Dutch Test Overview

My body is so incredibly strong๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป...
The more I learn about just how resilient it is, the more grateful I become, and the more kind I want to be to it. 
After 20 years of... Putting in long hours in the office 
Forgoing sleep
Competing in physique and strength sports
Neglecting to focus on maintaining proper daily rhythm
Not enforcing a solid night time routine
Refusing to put work on DND
Pushing harder and harder in the gym
Somehow managing to get stronger and learn new skills
Maintaining high stress levels with little to no down time
Being on hormonal birth control
And...recovering from a hysterectomy last year
... I am here, still strong, still disciplined, still resilientโ€ฆ..
But so much smarter๐Ÿค“
Investing deeply in knowledge and relationships with like minded experts who are committed to proactive, personalized, and holistic approaches to health, fitness, and lifestyle. 
Aiming for nothing short of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, the most optimized state of comfortable, mindful, healthy and happy.
Over the last week I spent time with @drdrobot and @coachm_lee reviewing my @dutchtest
This is one of many evaluations we are using to explore how well my body and its stystems respond, react, adapt to daily stressors and then return to balance.
The Dutch Test is a comprehensive hormone analysis that profiles sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. The test is taken over a few days, collecting dry urine samples at key times during the day.
Iโ€™m on day 24 or of food sensitivity reset from the MRT (see previous post ) and have continued to implement daily RX from @coachm_lee and Doc feeling good, learning a lot, being patient with myself, finding new and improved daily rhythm. More to come....

WellnessKandace Hudspeth